Saturday, March 27, 2010

Orange Salad

This dish is one of those "heavenly unions". In this case, an unusual combination of ingredients that go very well together. I guess if you really think about it...olive oil and Italian bread go great with just about everything! In Italy, I have eaten Italian bread with Granita, which is a slushy lemon ice. I guess if I were ever stranded on an island I would want a tin of olive oil and endless loafs of Italian bread as my companion.

This light flavorful dish can be eaten at any time. My grandfather would usually make it when the California Navel oranges were at their peak of flavor. This would be a good snack for Sunday Supper, at around 8pm. My cousin Ralph remembers eating this for a quick lunch when he was a child. Being we would have our large Sunday meal around 2pm, this little snack would take you through the evening when you got hungry. I have seen this dish in some trendy Italian Restaurants in Manhattan prepared with onions and nuts and a whole host of ingredients. I'm sure there are many versions of this. Keep it simple. That is how it was intended. Come to think of it, I remember my cousin Concetta making this salad for me when I was visiting her in California. I believe she added red onion and other ingredients. Connie, it was delicious!! But this is the way I remember Grandma making it for me.

1 large navel orange
Extra Virgin Olive oil, about 1 Tablespoon
Black Pepper
Crusty Italian bread for dipping

Cut the skin off the orange and cut the segments into bite size pieces. Make sure all the juice is reserved in the bowl with the orange pieces. Drizzle some olive oil over the oranges and sprinkle with plenty of fresh cracked black pepper. Mash the oranges a bit with the back of your fork to release some of their juices.

Dig in!

It's amazing how great this taste with crisp Italian bread dipped in the juice and eaten with the orange.

1 comment:

  1. I've actually started to see variations of this recipe come up a lot lately! I've tried it mixing various citrus fruits like tangerines, grapefruit and blood oranges. It adds a whole new complexity to a very simple summer dish
